Liesbet Bussche (1980, Antwerp, BE) studied Jewellery Design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (BDes, 2009) and St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp (MA, 2016). In her artistic practice, she explores jewellery as a socio-cultural phenomenon using the substantive and formal characteristics of archetypal jewels as starting points. Her body of work is rooted in jewellery but transcends its disciplinary boundaries. Her modus operandi is characterized by a research-based and conceptual approach, and results in self-initiated and commissioned installations, objects and printed matter in which the public space acts both as a source of inspiration and an area of intervention. In addition to running her own art practice in Amsterdam, she has taught at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (2016-2020) and has worked as a researcher at St Lucas Antwerp (2011-2020). She is currently pursuing her PhD in the arts at Hasselt University and PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt, researching the interrelation between jewellery and the city