Treasures, Trials & Troubles
Munich Jewellery Week / Bienewitz, Apianstraße 1, 80796 München, DE
8 - 12 March 2023
Treasures, Trials & Troubles shows the artistic research of jewellery artists Liesbet Bussche (BE/NL), Maria Konschake (DE/BE) and Charlotte Vanhoubroeck (BE). At present, these makers are each affiliated as PhD scholars at Hasselt University and PXL-MAD School of Arts where they are part of MAD-Research, within the MANUFrACTURE research group.
In this collective presentation, all three artists explore in what ways their worlds of making and thinking are treasured, trialled and troubled. Worlds that involve urban musings and minutiae, objects perfected by deviation, and the lost sentiments of a queen. Several kinds of treasures – the archetypical ones, yet also the historical, personal and forgotten ones – ignite an urge to act and initiate the thinking and the making. Along the way, every course of action is subjected to trials that trigger the need to reflect, to revise, to deepen. Troubles occur that sometimes paralyse, but also challenge and even amuse. Eventually, new treasures arise. They make you notice the never seen territories between the maker’s studio and the street. They make you comfortable with what is considered to be disturbed and disrupted. They make you believe that oblivion isn’t the end, only a doorway to new, imaginative realities. They are the treasures that show you how to contemplate the world in different, still unknown ways.
Liesbet Bussche’s (BOF20DOC01) and Maria Konschake’s (BOF21DOC04) research is supported by the Special Research Fund (Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds, BOF) of Hasselt University. Charlotte Vanhoubroeck’s research (11A5321N) is financed by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO).
Gemeente Amstelveen, Westwijk & Bovenkerk, NL
9 July - 25 September 2022
More information:
Commemorating Lucy
Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, NL
4 March - mid-June 2022
On her birthday, 4 March, an exhibition for Lucy Sarneel (1961-2020) opens at Galerie Marzee. Many friends, including myself, have created a work especially for the occassion to honour and commemorate her.
Festival Tweetakt
Fort Ruigenhoek, NL
26 August - 19 September 2021
Festival Tweetakt is a festival for everyone with theatre, art and music at several unique locations. At Fort Ruigenhoek, a fortress island near Utrecht, the artwork Window Diamond is exhibited in one of the former military buildings. Two necklaces of the series Les Bijoux Urbains, originally on display at Namur (BE), can be seen outside on the site.
Body Layer: Semblance and Self
Craft ACT: Craft and Design Centre, Canberra, AU
27 May - 17 July 2021
Curated by Simon Cottrell | Researcher/Lecturer, ANU School of Art & Design.
With: Zoe Brand | Roseanne Bartley | Liesbet Bussche | Jing He | Cara Johnson | Lauren Kalman | matt lambert | Claire McArdle | Kristina Neumann | Tiffany Parbs | Halie Rubenis
This exhibition presents the works of 11 significant Australian and International artists who have ‘unpacked’ the semblance of self through jewellery, as a highly focused activity of visualising, materialising and articulating possibilities of self-knowing. Communicating extremely diverse liminal qualities, traits, or viewpoints of what it is to be a living social human. Once willfully applied/connected to the relationally active body of a wearer, the nuanced signifiers within these works activate a communication of self, on self. This highly specific action is at the fundamental core of, what is jewellery. For more information, check Craft ACT's website of or read the online catalogue.
Site Effects: Jewelry on both sides of the Atlantic
Gallery of the Bavarian Association of Arts & Crafts, Munich, DE
17 January - 29 February 2020
Philadelphia Art Alliance at the University of Arts, USA
23 April - 24 May 2020 [cancelled]
Baltimore Jewelry Center
29 May - 10 July 2020
I'm one of the participants of Site Effects, curated by Anja Eichler and Katja Toporski. The exhibition shows work of 12 jewellers of 2 continents who have created 48 pieces of jewellery based on 24 concepts. The opening is on Thursday January 16th 2020 at Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (Pacellistrasse 6-8, Munich).
AJF Live: The Baltimore Jewelry Center
As one of the participants of the exhibition Site Effects, I will be part of AJF Live on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. AJF Live: the Baltimore Jewelry Center presents SITE EFFECTS: JEWELRY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC, curated by Anja Eichler and Katja Toporski. Free, and open to members and non-members alike!
For more information and to register follow this link.
What time?
9 a.m. PST: San Francisco
10 a.m. MST: Denver
11 a.m. CST: San Antonio, Mexico City
12 p.m. EST: Toronto, NYC, Santiago
1 p.m.: Buenos Aires
5 p.m.: London
6 p.m.: Oslo, Paris, Capetown, Brussels
7 p.m.: Bucharest, Athens, Israel, Estonia
11:00 p.m.: Thailand
1 a.m. on June 4: Korea, Japan
2 a.m. on June 4: Sydney
News from the Netherlands: Crossing Borders
The Jewelry Library, New York City, US
18 November - 24 November 2019
Streets and Stones - Artelli Gallery
Antwerp, Belgium
12 May - 29 June 2019
Welcome at the opening of my exhibition ‘Streets and Stones’ on Sunday May 12 from 14h till 18h at Artelli Gallery (Mechelsesteenweg 120, Antwerp)! The exhibition ‘Streets and Stones’ runs till June 29. More information via Artelli Gallery.
During Antwerp Art Weekend (from May 16 till May 19), I will give an artist talk about the exhibition on Saturday May 18. Exact hour will follow.
Sieraad Art Fair - From Walter to Astrid
Westergasterrein/gashouder, Amsterdam
8-11 November 2018
Studio sieraad en onderzoeksplatform Precious Dialogue nodigen u van harte uit op de presentatie van ‘From Walter to Astrid’ tijdens Sieraad Art Fair in Amsterdam. Van 8 tot en met 11 november tonen studenten, onderzoekers en ontwerpers – op uitnodiging van organisatoren Astrid Berens en Maarten Bodt – sieraden die ze hebben gemaakt met kettingen van Walter Fischer. Dit bedrijf van machinaal geproduceerde kettingen schonk meer dan vierhonderd meter ketting waarvan elke deelnemer aan dit project tien meter ontving om een draagbaar sieraad te ontwerpen. ‘From Walter to Astrid’ kadert binnen het onderzoeksproject Speaking Jewellery dat het begrip jewelleryness verkent: welke artistieke kwaliteiten, zoals draagbaarheid, glans of detaillering, maken een object tot een sieraad?
Op donderdag 8 november staat Sieraad Art Fair in het teken van de ketting. Alba Cappellieri, docent aan Politecnico di Milano en directeur van het sieradenmuseum in Vicenza, geeft een lezing over de ketting (15:30-Engels) naar aanleiding van haar nieuwe boek ‘Chains’. Na deze lezing gaat kunsthistoricus en docent Juweelgeschiedenis Liesbeth den Besten in gesprek met onderzoekers Hilde Van der Heyden en Liesbet Bussche over het project ‘From Walter to Astrid’.
Op zondag 11 november (13:00-Nederlands) geeft onderzoeker Liesbet Bussche een lezing over ‘Stedelijke sieraden’, een serie interventies waarin ze archetypische sieraden zoals de parelketting of bedelarmband verbindt met locaties in de stad. Samen met ontwerper Ingeborg Vandamme buigt ze zich over de al dan niet bestaande grenzen van het hedendaags sieraad.
Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 30
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
2 - 25 November 2018
Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28 marks the anniversaries of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut. An exhibition and public programme portray elements of the histories and communities of these educational institutes of fine arts and design.
Taking place in and around the buildings on the joint campus site in Amsterdam, a series of curated capsules include archival artefacts and a variety of works by students, alumni, tutors, directors and staff from the period 1968 to 2018.
The exhibition is curated by alumnus and curator Moritz Küng in collaboration with 12 guest curators. All participants -including me- can be viewed here.
Official Opening > 2 November 2018, 4pm-9pm
Open > 3-25 November 2018, Wednesday-Sunday, 1pm-7pm
Imatra Art Museum, Imatra, Finland
20 August - 15 September 2018
Tiivistämö, Helsinki, Finland
11 - 27 October 2018
Artcenter Laikku, Ampere, Finland
November 2018
Thirtheen talented jewellery artists were invited to take part in the KORU6 exhibition. Each of them were asked to invite two interesting artists from their own country to join the exhibition. In total, there will be works of 39 artists from 12 countries. Liesbet Bussche, Octave Vandeweghe and Eline Willemarck will represent Belgium!
Artelli Gallery, Rivoli Building, Brussels
26 May - 7 July 2018
Blueprint of an Entire Jewellery COllection in 11 Pieces is on show at Artelli Gallery in Brussels. With Lennart Alves, Keke Vilabelda and me.
Address: Rivoli Building #21 - Chaussée de Waterloo 690, 1180 Brussel
Opening hours: Saturday 2-6 PM and by appointment (+32 478 20 25 82)
Antwerp Art Weekend
Showroom, St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp
25-27 May 2018
During Antwerp Art Weekend, I will present a new presentation of De Parel-ketting in the Showroom of St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp (Kerkstraat 45, 2018 Antwerp). More information on the participating exhibition spaces of Antwerp Art weekend can be found on
Friday 25 May 2018: 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday 26 May & Sunday 27 May 2018: 14:00 - 18:00
Artelli Gallery, Antwerp
8 March - 5 May 2018
Blueprint of an Entire Jewellery COllection in 11 Pieces is on show at Artelli Gallery in Antwerp. With Lennart Alves, Keke Vilabelda and me.
Address: Mechelsesteenweg 120, 2018 Antwerp
Opening hours: Thursday 12-5 PM, Friday & Saturday 1-6 PM or by appointment
Belgium Art and Design Fair
ICC, Ghent
8 - 11 February 2018
More information via &
From Walter to Valerie
Valerie Traan Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
8 February - 17 March 2018
Opening: Thursday 8 February 2018, from 16:00 until 21:00
Exhibition: From 8 February until 17 March 2018
Location: Valerie Traan Gallery, Reyndersstraat 12, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Opening hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 14:00 until 18:00
The Jewellery Design department of St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp presents, from 8 February until 17 March, the exhibition ‘From Walter to Valerie’ at Valerie Traan Gallery. Together with students from St Lucas Antwerp, international and Belgian designers will display pieces of jewellery that have been made using the industrially manufactured chains of Walter Fischer.
The exhibition takes place in the context of ‘Speaking Jewellery’, a research project initiated by the ‘Precious Dialogue’ research platform of St Lucas Antwerp. The project examines the concept of ‘jewelleryness’ from an artistic perspective: what are the qualities and characteristics that make an object into a piece of jewellery? The chain – as an endless series of interconnected links – takes centre stage in this project. Although it is rather insignificant in contemporary jewellery and mainly has a supporting function, it has the power to function as a piece of jewellery. It effortlessly follows every curve of the body and forms a perfect catenary when held up by its tips. What’s more, the chain has a rich archive of social, cultural and historical references and meanings.
Designers, students and researchers worked with chains made by Walter Fischer, one of the world’s largest chain manufacturers. Located in Idar-Oberstein, the company produces annually between 30 and 40 tons of chain that are mainly supplied to wholesalers, makers and labels in the fashion and jewellery sectors. For this project, Walter Fischer donated more than 400 metres of chain, each designer receiving ten metres with which to create a wearable piece of jewellery.
Participants: Conversation Piece (Beatrice Brovia & Nicolas Cheng), Lin Cheung & Veronika Fabian, Benedikt Fischer & Benedikt Fischer, Sofie Boons, Dries Dockx, Silke Fleischer, Anneleen Swillen, Charlotte Van de Velde as well as students and researchers of the Jewellery Design department of St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp
Students: Flo De Nyn, Nele De Vrij, Daniela Piano, Tieke Scheerlinck, Ruby Solon, Marit Staes, Lore Van Duppen, Djara Van Hove, Cleo Van Woensel
Research team: Liesbet Bussche, Pia Clauwaert, Hilde Van der Heyden
Stralen & Reflecteren
Parcours Bijoux, Atelier Néerlandais, Paris, France
6 - 9 October 2017
This autumn, the group exhibition Stralen & Reflecteren (to shine & to reflect) will be part of the international jewellery event Parcours Bijoux in Paris.We are pleased to invite you to come and see the new jewellery pieces, objects, performance(s) and other works we gathered for this occasion by artists and designers:
Benedikt FISCHER
Jing HE
Morgane DE KLERK
The exhibition will be shown at the Atelier Néerlandais in Paris, from October 6 to 9th 2017. The vernissage will start on October 6th at 5PM and there will be a performance by Nina Clockner that evening.
This project is made possible thanks to the support of the Creative Industries Fund NL and Stichting Stokroos.
Medusa, bijoux et tabous
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
19 mei 2017 - 5 november 2017
Necklace for Office is part of the exhibition 'Medusa, bijoux et tabous'. On show until 5 November 2017 in Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
Les Bijoux Urbains
Namur: Rue du Pont, Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais and Quai du Meuse
12 July - 27 August 2017
For the city of Namur in Wallonia, I have designed five nautical urban necklaces that will be installed along the Meuse and Sambre. The route runs from Rue du Pont via Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais to Quai du Meuse. To see all summer, from July 12 till August 27!
Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
24 June - 17 September 2017
Eight contemporary jewellers present their vision of tomorrow’s practices:
Kristin d’Agostino (NZ/USA)
Larissa Cluzet (FR)
Ann-Kathrin Hartel (DE)
Emmanuel Lacoste (FR)
Lilian Mattuschka (IT)
Susanne Schwarz (DE)
Nadja Soloviev (DE)
Anneleen Swillen (BE)
My sugar necklace is part of the selection of Larissa Cluzet and her show 'Rater encore. Rater mieux.'. 'Exposé' is a proposition by Benjamin Lignel. More information can be found on Exposé the Exhibition.
Artelli Gallery, Antwerp
25 November 2016 - 5 January 2017
My latest work 'Casually dropped pearl necklaces' is on show at Artelli Gallery (Mechelsesteenweg 120, 2018 Antwerp) ánd in the streets of Antwerp. Welcome!
Blueprint of an entire jewellery collection in 11 pieces
Galerie Beyond
25 november - 11 december 2016
Until 11 December, my work 'Blueprint of an entire jewellery collection in 11 pieces' is on display at Galerie Beyond. Come and see!
To Be 2016
Beyond Fashion & Artelli Gallery
25, 26 & 27 November 2016
I cordially invite you to To Be. During this event in Antwerp I will show recent and new work at two locations: Galerie Beyond and Artelli Gallery. To Be is a route along Antwerp’s galleries and shops that will showcase projects by graduates of St Lucas School of Arts and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. The event will take place on 25th, 26th and 27th November. More information can be found on this website. My work will remain on display after this weekend at both locations.
Capital-M, master exhibition of St Lucas and the Royal Academy, Antwerp
Park Spoor Noord, Damplein 28, 2060 Antwerp
Welcome to Capital-M, city of the masters of Sint Lucas Antwerp and The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. For the first time their graduation projects have been brought together into one exhibition: over 100 students from 11 different programmes will consciously and unconsciously enter into a dialogue with each other and with you. The structure of the exhibition is based on the urban ring, where projects have been organically positioned in a periphery around a centre. The blue-colored city centre holds a numbre of activities and functions: a workshop, a (free) podium, a bookshop, a meeting place, … As a guideline for your visit to this city, you can follow the route of four professionals: Sara Weyns, Guy Rombouts, Kessel Kramers and Thomas Widdershoven.
25.6 - 10.7.2016
Parkloods Spoor Noord
Damplein 28, 2060 Antwerpen
Archive of Objects of Vertu / Archief van Schone Voorwerpen
Gallery Phoebus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Until 12 June, ‘Archive of Objects of Vertu / Archief van Schone Voorwerpen' is on show at Phoebus Rotterdam. The exhibition is curated by Liesbeth Den Besten and shows work of Dinie Besems, Nicolas Cheng/Beatrice Brovia, Lin Cheung, Manon van Kouswijk, Ben Lignel, Suska Mackert, Ruudt Peters, Robert Smit, Alejandra Solar and me.
"(...) The 11 participating artists put two and three-dimensional objects in their drawer(s). The prints, sketches, and posters have various functions: it can be an illustration, or an artwork in its own right, and sometimes it is a sketch that served as a source of inspiration. The themes dealt with by the artists show a deep consciousness about jewellery and its connotations: etiquette (Bussche), the chain (Kouswijk), power (Lignel), the pin (Cheung), remembrance (Bussche), the pattern (Solar), conversation pieces (Cheng/Brovia), and faith (Mackert). Besides this also muse (Smit), poetry (Besems) and alchemy (Peters) are inspirational."
When? Until 12 June 2016
Where? Phoebus Gallery, Eendrachtsweg 61, 3012 LG Rotterdam.
easy!upstream, Munich, Germany
My latest work ’11 Pieces of Jewelry Every Woman Should Own’ will be shown in the exhibition (IM)PRINT during the Munich Jewelry Week, together with some great artists. Drop by if you’re in Munich!
Easy!upstream, Türkenstrasse 67, 80799 Munich - or number 48 on the list of Current Obsession
Vernissage: Thursday 25 February from 16:00 till 20:00
Opening hours: Friday 26 February till Sunday 28 February from 11:00 till 20:00
Beatrice Brovia, Nicolas Cheng, Hanna Hedman & Sanna Lindberg, Kajsa Lindberg, Liesbet Bussche, Lin Cheung, David Clarke, Niels Van de Wouwer, Silke Fleischer, Nils Hint, Göran Kling and Yuka Oyama
Triple Parade Antwerp
Gallery Zijsprong, Antwerp, Belgium
The Jewellery Design department of St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp invites you to TRIPLE PARADE ANTWERP, a dialogue across China, Finland and Belgium on contemporary jewellery. The exhibition, earlier on show in Tianjin (China) and Kuopio (Finland), will be presented at Gallery Zijsprong and shows work of 19 Chinese, Finnish and Belgian jewellery designers.
From Thursday 10 till Sunday 13 December (15h-19h)
Gallery Zijsprong, Mechelsesteenweg 119B, 2018 Antwerp
Triple Parade Party
Gallery Zijsprong, Antwerp, Belgium
The Belgian gathering, also the last stop of Triple Parade 2015, is celebrated during the TRIPLE PARADE PARTY on Wednesday 9 December. You are most welcome to celebrate with us!
Wednesday 9 December (18h-21h)
Zijsprong, Mechelsesteenweg 119B, 2018 Antwerp
Embrace: 35 Years Françoise van den Bosch Foundation
Sieraad Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
As board member and as participant, I'm proud to announce 35 Years Françoise van den Bosch Foundation at Sieraad. Definitely go and see! When & where: Sieraad Art Fair at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam, from 5 till 8 November 2015.
A young Dutch noblewoman made a name for herself with her jewelry designs far beyond her country’s borders – only to die much too young. This was the fate of Françoise van den Bosch, who was born in 1944 in the country town of Hilversum 30 kilometers south-east of Amsterdam. Three years after she passed away, her family and friends set up the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation, which celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2015. This anniversary will be celebrated at the Sieraad jewelry fair in Amsterdam with the exhibition curated by Liesbeth den Besten and entitled Embrace, which will be spotlighting pieces from the Françoise van den Bosch collection of Amsterdam’s Stedelijk Museum, including her own creations and those crafted by many winners of the competition named after her.
Triple Parade
Kuopion Museo, Kuopio, Finland
After the well received Triple Parade event in Tianjin-China, the Triple Parade exhibition will now be on show in Kuopio-Finland. The works 'Gold Hill', 'Sapphire' and 'Hänger' from the series 'Jewellery with a story: Gerardus Mercator' (commissioned by the Coda Museum Apeldoorn) are exhibited alongside the works of other Belgian, Chinese and Finnish designers. For The Kuopio Academy of Design, I will give a lecture and a workshop: 'FIN-ject, the Finnish quintessence of an object'.
Beyond Food and Design
C-Mine, Genk, Belgium
The exhibition 'Beyond Food and Design' is organized in the context of 20 Years Toegepast and deals with 'how food shapes our cities'. 30 designers worked on four topics: mining water, aqua farming, mushrooms and bees. As part of the Bee Building group, I printed a poster with ecologically produced honey to help the bees get through the winter. Interested? See
Site 3065 South East Corner
Radiant Pavilion, Melbourne, Australia
My latest work '11 Pieces of Jewelry Every Woman Should Own' is shown during Radiant Pavilion in Melbourne! Visit Site 3065 South East Corner (organized by Manon van Kouswijk and Roseanne Bartley) at Fitzroy in Melbourne. A map with locations and descriptions of the different projects can be picked up at 93 George Street.
‘11 Pieces of Jewelry Every Woman Should Own’, a list of essentials for an ideal jewelry wardrobe, is an online article published by the Gemological Institute of America. Liesbet Bussche transformed this campaign into a series of 11 blueprint posters. A stripped down drawing as an iconic representation together with an elaborated jewelry piece shows and comments on the 11 essentials as archetypes of our time.
Triple Parade
TAFA Art Museum, Tianjin, China
The Jewellery Design department of St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp takes part in Triple Parade, an international jewellery festival that runs during the Tianjin Design Week 2015. Together with five other Belgian jewellery designers, I present my work at the TAFA Art Museum (20 May - 29 May), next to work of Chinese and Finish designers. Besides the exhibition, Triple Parade also hosts two keynote lectures (20 May), an international symposium (21 May) and two workshops (23 & 24 May). As representative of the Belgian delegation (together with Hilde De Decker) and as researcher at St Lucas Antwerp, I give a lecture at the symposium and lead one of the two workshops: CH-ewellery, the Chinese archetypes.
Ten years 'Sieraden met een verhaal'
CODA Museum Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Until December 2nd 2014, the ten editions of 'Sieraden met een verhaal' are exhibited at CODA Museum in Apeldoorn. With Stephanie Jendis (Coco Chanel), Gésine Hackenberg (grandmother), Francis Willemstijn (Willem van Oranje), Constanze Schreiber (Miranda July), Bas Bouwman (Joe the Plumber), Ineke Heerkens (Charlotte Mutsaers), Mi-Ah Rödiger (Sehnsucht), Nina Sajet (Tooth Fairy), Réka Fekete (Langewacht) and Liesbet Bussche (Gerardus Mercator).
Large or small? small or large?
Gallery De Mijlpaal, Heusden, Belgium
Two of my works will be on show at Kunstgalerij De Mijlpaal. The exhibition 'Large or small? small or large?' runs from Sunday November 23rd until January 4th.
The European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery
WCC-BF, Mons, Belgium
Belgique / België / Belgium
Nevin Arig, Liesbet Bussche, Clarisse Bruynbroeck, Hilde De Decker, Marion Delarue,
Silke Fleischer, Bernard François, Delphine Joly, Patrick Marchal, Shana Teugels, Karen
Vanmol, kuppers&wuytens, Marta Miguel, Claire Lavendhomme, Nelly Van Oost.
Finlande / Finland / Finland
Ulla Ahola, Tuija Hietanen, Sirja Knaapi, Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen, Maria
Nuutinen, Inni Pärnänen, Essi Pullinen, Ari Pyörälä, Tiina Rajakallio, Jenni Sokura,
Janna Syvänoja, Nelli Tanner, Tarja Tuupanen, Tatu Vuorio.
Italie / Italie / Italy
Daniela Boieri, Giovanni Corvaja, Arata Fuchi, Doris Maninger, Stefano Marchetti,
Lucia Massei, Barbara Paganin, Marzia Rossi, Jacqueline Ryan, Giovanni Sicuro,
Fabrizio Tridenti, Barbara Uderzo, Graziano Visintin, Annamaria Zanella.
More information:
Young Design Talent then and now: The Françoise van den Bosch Collection
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
From Friday 29 November 2013, work of the 'Urban Jewellery' series will be on display in the jewellery cabinet of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. In 2009, the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation purchased 'Urban Jewellery (sand necklace)', consisting out of three photos and the 'bucket and spade' object. To specify the width of the project, also the entire series of posters of 'Urban Jewellery' was purchased.
Along with the collection presentation, the 'bucket and spade' object and De Parel-ketting will be for sale at the museum shop of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
De Parel-ketting
Lasso Juwelen, Leuven, Belgium
After Hasselt (Z33 > The Wilde Things. The so contemporary jewellery collection of Mrs. Wilde) and Amsterdam (Museum Willet-Holthuysen > WinterSALON/2014), De Parel-ketting continues touring! I would like to cordially invite you to the exhibition of De Parelketting at Lasso Juwelen in Leuven, Belgium. The exhibition will be on show from March 1st till April 12th. The opening takes place on Friday February 28th, between 4 and 8 PM. Besides my latest work, I will also show work from the series Urban Jewellery.
Address: Lasso, Parijsstraat 10, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Opening hours: Tuesday till Saturday, from 10 Am till 6 PM
Information about De Parel-ketting can be found on
Looking forward to see you (at Lasso, in Munich or somewhere else)!
Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SALON/ acts as a platform for talents from the fields of fashion, design, art and culture. Using a physical route through the city, SALON/ showcases its passion for interdisciplinary collaborations aiming to stimulate the interaction between designer, public and location. More information about SalonWINTER/2014:
Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Herengracht 605, 1017 CE AmsterdamMonday to Friday: 10 AM till 5 PM / Weekends: 11 AM till 5 PM
Information about De Parel-ketting can be found on
The Wilde Things. The so contemporary jewellery collection of Mrs. Wilde
Z33, Hasselt (Zuivelmarkt 33, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium)
The intense and intimate relationship between jewellery and its wearer is unique in our material culture. Twenty-five contemporary pieces of jewellery from 'Mrs. Wilde's' collection together create a fictional story. Together the story/book written by Oscar van den Boogaard, the jewellery and a movie by Manon de Boer tell the story of Mrs. Wilde's collection of contemporary jewellery and the personal memories and meanings attached to them. In this narrative exhibition, jewellery as 'material memory' is interwoven with life.
With The Wilde Things, Z33 explores new presentation models for contemporary jewellery in a context (of the wearer) and within a narrative framework. Furthermore it takes a critical look at current developments within this discipline, which has evolved since the 1960s to become an autonomous, artistic, and reflective design practice.
With: Volker Atrops (DE), Gijs Bakker (NL), Dinie Besems (NL), Iris Bodemer (DE), Liesbet Bussche (BE), Nicolas Cheng (SE) & Beatrice Brovia (IT/SE), Boris de Beijer (NL), Hilde De Decker (BE), Gemma Draper (SP), Iris Eichenberg (DE), Silke Fleischer (BE), Irma Földényi (HU), Studio Formafantasma (IT/NL), Karl Fritsch (DE), Hannah Joris (BE), Lore Langendries (BE), Tzu-Ling Lee (TW), Benjamin Lignel (FR), Suska Mackert (DE), Jorge Manilla (MX/BE), Evert Nijland (NL), Katrin Spranger (DE), Manon van Kouswijk (NL), Lisa Walker (NZ), Christoph Zellweger (CH).
Text: Oscar van den Boogaard
Film: Manon de Boer
Curator: Evelien Bracke / Z33
More information on
Mirror Mirror (USA)
Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, USA
Sieraad Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jewellery Unleashed
Museum Bellerive, Zurich, Switzerland
Mirror Mirror
Espace Suzy Solidor, Cagnes-sur-mer, France
De Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Jewellery Unleashed
Museum for Modern Art, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Sunrise Grey
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe,Hamburg, Germany
Embraced - Jewellery Sites
Gustavsberg Konsthall, Gustavsberg, Sweden
Light Up Taiwan
Very Fun Park, Taipei, Taiwan
25 Years Galerie Louise Smit
Galerie Louise Smit & Frozen Fountain, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Op Voorraad, The Jewellery Pop-Up Store
Museum for Modern Art, Arnhem, The Netherlands